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    Bollywood Bimbos

    Exaggeration comes way too naturally to our Bollywood. This is not just limited to the puke worthy stuff they produce, which they otherwise shamelessly call movies. This is also true for our actors/actresses and so called child actors who work there. Be it their idiotic movies or they themselves in real life, exaggeration flows along with seemingly. Victimhood too comes equally naturally with them. In fact victimhood comes as a close second in the scheme of things. Mediocrity is another thing that is profusely exhibited across the Bollywood spectrum. There are numerous instances where these stupid characters who claim themselves to be actors cry wolf for anything and everything. Being in Bollywood seems to go as an entitlement with these imprudent people who think themselves to be a notch above everything. Their idiocy which they otherwise claim to be “acting” also gives them liberty to talk like an intellectual about every damn thing under the sun. How many times you have seen our media thugs rushing to them for sound-bites that nobody cares. Not only that, these media thugs would air these rubbish opinions that makes no sense at all? It is these exasperation of our media and the inherited ‘Libtards’ therein that makes these moronic humans devoid of any acting skills talk bosh at the drop of a goat. These rash people, out of sheer hallucination, routinely go on lecturing the populace on many things which is totally unnecessary and uncalled for. 

    This is perhaps why a certain Shahruk Khan or an Amir Khan blabbers on ‘intolerance’ or some nonsense to that effect. This Prakash Raj is yet another intellectual in the making. Another moron named Shyam Benagal has suddenly got the bamboo in his back and now had become a claimant in the Babri Maszid litigation. How, of all the people, it is Shyam Benagal who has a claim in Ayodhya dispute is still a mystery to many. Where this joker was hiding all this while? This scumbag isn’t stopping just there. Like a true third rate intellectual, he is suggesting, the disputed structure be converted to a hospital. I am surprised that this moron didn’t ask the site be converted to a movie making studio. Jokes apart, have you ever seen this Benagal chap talking about matters pertaining to other faiths? Not only Benagal; have you seen any other scoundrel from Bollywood displaying his/her intellectualism in matters involving non-Hindu faith? Forget about commenting, the same morons would wet their pants at the mere mention of the word ‘Muslim’. But come to Hinsuism they would eject all the fires from their filthy posteriors without being asked to. This Benagal chap in true sense is a serial offender. His offence actually spans across four decades. He has made a career out of his abject hate towards India and Hindus. A typical Commie that he is, he always had fancied projecting India in a very bad shape as his single point motto. Be it exploiting poverty in his movies or picturing Hindus as bad people, this scumbag has done it all. If I am not forgetting, he too has a great fascination in disrespecting most Hindu Gods and Goddesses in his rotten movies. 

    But is Shyam Benagal just one of example? Certainly not. Bollywood is full with such craps. In the name of acting these liberal pimps haven’t brought a single laurel for the country and yet when it comes to vomit nonsense non-stop, these morons would be there on the front row. 

    Not long ago another bimbo going by the name Deepika Padukone called an entire India regressive. And why would a clownish woman label an entire country as regressive? Because one of the many bogus movies that these twats successfully churn out every year had an objection from many quarters for projecting history in a derogatory way. And this bimbo is ‘alleged’ to have acted in the movie thereby donning the character of the iconic ‘Padmavati’, the female lead character of the movie. It is morons like her and Sanjay Bansali who can imagine a romantic sequence of the queen with the murderous Khilji and yet these selfsame bigots thought their intentional rubbish manifestation of history for self-pleasure would go unobstructed. Which world these bimbos live? These jokers can take the liberty of derogating a revered character from history with their idea of lust and yet if one opposes such obscenity of the falsehood the nation automatically becomes regressive. This is nothing but yet another classic case of playing victimhood when your nonsense is challenged. These morons have done it in past and have gotten away with their crimes. But people aren’t any more buying these idiots and their idea of ‘freedom of opinion’ lying down. They are now challenging these morons and quite rightly so. Though their sidekicks in our media and the pseudo liberal circle do their usual ‘Rudali’ act, none seems to care two hoots for these idiots. And I am glad that none is caring two hoots for these idiots any more.

    The prologue above brings me to the latest bimbo from the stable called Zaira Wasim. She is another wannabe victimhood player and dare I say, she has learnt the trade quite early in her career. And this is just after her couple of below average performance. Some days back she cried wolf that a person molested her during a flight from Delhi. The claims and the crocodile tears on her Instagram profile looked so artificial that I smelled nonsense at once. First question that came to my mind was why this girl never raised an alarm or complained to the crew members then and there? Not that she is shy by nature. In fact she is far from being one. Surprisingly, the same girl was quite vocal while trolling Vijay Goel for her few minutes of publicity sometime back. There apparently had no reason for her useless trolling to take place. She pretended to be very forceful in what she believes in. She even called women in Burqa are beautiful. If one closely looks at what Mr. Goel said/tweeted, there isn’t anything wrong there. The picture to the right captures the entire conversation. One can easily pick who was trying to act smart for no reasons. But this bimbo had to erupt to showcase her filthy ‘Bollywoodgiri’. Now the same girl when got molested on a public place like an aeroplane, she preferred to stay quite; only to display her sobbing skills on Instagram later on. The claim looked so superficial on the face value that it didn’t require much to figure out the hidden bimbo in this limelight hungry girl. 

    Let’s look at her fraudulent claim first. A person sitting on the back was constantly moving his feet on her back throughout the flight. Seriously? Anyone who have flown for once even would agree that flight seats aren’t exactly acres of space to pick up your feet and manoeuvre it the way you like. This applies to any class. As someone correctly picked up the nuance, if the accused really could achieve that feat against all odds, he must be sent to Olympics. Every time I fly for more than two hours, I get to feel how long my legs are. There simply isn’t enough space to even pull up your legs onto your seats. Vikash Sachdeva, the accused without any crime is quite a tall person. How on earth he managed to do that and why this bimbo remained quite throughout? As I said, she isn’t a shy girl at all. Much before she could be praised for her acting skills she had picked up the ‘Idea Of India’ rubbish quite well. Not long ago, one of her such nonsense was bashed on Twitter so much so that the father figure moron in Amir Khan had to come to this bimbo’s rescue. I am surprised where the fiery vocal cords of this attention seeking brat got lost when it mattered the most? If the crew of the flight were to be believed, the bimbo never complained to them. Like a true Bollywood moron she only shouted when the aeroplane was about to land.

    I am doubly surprised of her silence because she wasn’t travelling alone. She was accompanied by her mother. Her mother is no less a moron, if you ask me. She in fact is a serial offender. Like an average stone pelting Kashmiri, she would live on the crumbs we throw at them but would turn back and bark ‘Azadi’ at the slightest opportunity. She had the audacity to claim that she loves to fly Pakistani flag atop her home every single day. Another exhibit of her oozing love towards Pakistan is attached here for reference. She supports Pakistan over India on every instance. Like an average ‘Azadi’ lover she barks at India and its populace whenever a chance is offered. During one of the promos of her daughter’s movie, she talked on length, hang on, not on the movie but how Kashmir and Kashmiris were oppressed in the hands of India. Now I wonder, what this pathetic woman was doing when her daughter was consistently being molested on the plane. Was she busy tweeting her next set of love towards Pakistan? Where the fierce advocate of nonsensical stone pelters hiding?

    Even our media, the wretched feminists and the liberals alike have to be blamed for giving untoward leverage to this bimbo. No sooner she made her falsehood public, the notorious gang of ‘you scratch mine, I scratch yours’ howled in unison. No time was wasted in calling the poor man a monster. I would blame the Mumbai police equally here. They too spared no time in arresting this man and attaching stringent charges like POSCO. The bimbo never even had an FIR filed. Shouldn’t our cops have done their basic homework before booking an innocent man with such serious charges? At least they should have talked to the co-passengers for pointers. Case-in-point, the statement of a co-passenger that squarely busted the claims of the bimbo. The poor man coming back from attending a young death in the family and tired to the hilt dozed off immediately after take-off. The witness here saw nothing untoward being done by the accused, except may be, putting his feet on the armrest, which at worst could be termed as grossly bad-mannered way of flying. What was the hurry with the cops in acting before doing basic investigation? In an official statement released by the airline, they claimed to have unearthed no unbecoming behaviour of the accused in their internal investigation. How come it is only the bimbo who claims something that none of the 200 passengers on board and half a dozen crew members have any clue about? Now that the truth has come out in open, the attention seeking bimbo has gone inside the shit hole. No one has heard the moronic girl after that. 

    But who to blame for such filthy behaviour emanating from Bollywood regularly? If you actually are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. The problem is with us actually. We give too much levy to mediocrity that makes these mediocre characters ride on a pair of larger than life shoes. They simply consider themselves invincible and unquestionable. And as is, seeking attention comes way too naturally with our Bollywood bimbos anyway. Such morons, drown in their false sense of accomplishment, display abject disrespect towards one and all. I would love if such bimbos are dealt with iron fist. I hope Mr. Sachdeva won’t let this moron get away easily. He must file a heavy defamation case against this pathetic girl and teach her a lesson on decency. May be a criminal proceeding alongside for false vilification would do no harm to sensibility. She deserves a hammer for her nonsensical accusation and she must be ironed hard for her falsehood. Enough sparing such idiots cheaply. 

    Dear Mr. Sachdeva – my sympathies are with you. If you need any help, this blogger is just a call/tweet/msg away. You can reach me at the tweeter handle ‘@dj_cynical’. Time has come to teach such bimbos a lesson or two on basic human articulation and sooner it is accomplished, better it is. I am all for it. The manner in which such one-sided laws are being routinely misused must stop too.          

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