Abolition Of Triple Talaq – What Took Us So Long?
Personal laws in India were always been a sensitive issue. When
it comes to Muslim personal law, it is even double sensitive. Other personal
laws have seen changes, amendments and restructuring over the years, either by
the respective practicing societies or the courts but Muslim personal laws
never could see any such changes. But this is just part of the story. The other
part is why it has remained sensitive over the decades. In fact the issue isn’t
actually sensitive on its own. This has been made sensitive by design. It was
kept sensitive by will because it has very strong and vital political fallout. Both
Congress and BJP, the two major political parties of India, kept the issue
burning for their respective political benefits. The most contentious issue in Muslim personal law is the instant Talaq, better known as 'Triple Talaq'. For a prolonged time there has been multiple demands to relook at this insensitive practice. Most even wanted this practice to be abolished completely. But public demands seldom encourage our political class to get back to their work. Since last forty years no
political party showed much agility in closing this long pending demand from
many quarters, important being the Muslim women.
No one knows why 'Triple Talaq' never got a holistic look that it deserves. So many, both reformers and the sufferers alike, had (and still doing) raised
their voices on this unethical and in all likelihood unconstitutional practice
but nothing could move our powers that be to take the corrective measures. No,
not even our courts who otherwise should have taken suo-motu cognizance of this
social malice. One could only feel the apathy from the fact that our
judiciary was also sleeping over this important issue until yesterday, without much
of a concern. Even yesterday’s verdict in favour of banning this inhuman practice
came after a lot of proverbial ‘dragging the feet’ in recent times. How silly it sounds? Let’s
see if we have a history that backs our complete disinterest in addressing this particular social reform.
I have said this earlier – our forefathers did a grave
mistake in blurring, both the social and constitutional outline of our nation.
They were quite proud in assuring us that we are not a ‘Hindu’ nation but they
never told what we are then. In not only words, even their actions post a
bloodied partition was far from being convincing. Pundit Nehru with all honesty
wanted a uniform civil code across the territory of India. Instead we were
handed over with is Article – 44, that makes no sense and even lesser practical
value today. Nehru could modify the Hindu laws but conveniently sidestepped
when it came to reform the Muslim personal law. Parochial and downright inhuman
practices, which even hard-core Islamic countries could abolish, but for us it
became a tough nut to crack. It was even a tough nut for the astute Pundit
Nehru too. Why Pundit Nehru never acted decisively? Was it Muslim appeasement
or fear of losing the vote bank or both? There has to be some reason/s. Though
we may never know the exact compulsions of Nehru to look the other way and here
I want to give him the benefit of doubt since he may as well have valid reasons
to go numb on it; but what the subsequent Congress governments did or didn’t is
beyond any comprehension. No one can exonerate
Congress of their crimes in neglecting/forgetting this all important social
reform government after government. They had a straight run till 1977 and most/all
of the times they had more than sufficient numbers in both houses to address
this issue. But no Congress government
did take this malice head-on. They simply abandoned the cause and so as the
outcry for change. It can’t be anything except political callousness. ‘Congress’s abdication of personal law reforms
was a colossal, historical and moral blunder’, as Pratap Bhanu Mehta puts it.
Not only did they ignored to act on the reform, they also made sure that the issue gets dragged for donkeys years. In their pursuit to remain unaccountable, they thought of
putting article-44 to a slow cooker, one of the safest political options for any escapist politician. When the guideline of the constitution was
specific on what is expected of the government, Congress in other hand left
it too late for a possible and amicable solution. Not only Congress let the issue
wrongly get stuck in the muddied religious waters it also made sure that it becomes
a political pawn too. And how did they manage to give it a thick political colour?
Yes, by exploiting it for petty political gains. Saha Banoo case is one such instance out of many where Congress adversely crippled the road to UCC by fifty years at
least. Had that insensitive blow from the Congress party not came around in Saha
Banoo case, we would have the nefarious practice got banned much earlier than
2017. When the court ordered in favour of Saha Banoo, it was a golden
opportunity on a platter. The then government should have taken advantage of
the situation to roll out the UCC on the floor of the house; had there been any
gill in bringing article-44 into practice. But it seems, not only the gill was missing
in its totality, the government of that era rather had sinister plots in their
minds to act adversely. Just to appease the ‘Mullhas’ and the ‘Maulabis’ Rajiv
Gandhi government denied the justice to the woman, more so when she had already
got the relief from the high-court. Rajiv Gandhi government used their brute power to amend the law and made the high court ruling null and void whereas
they should have taken advantage of the situation and used their power to push through UCC mercilessly.
In contrast BJP was consistent with their demand for UCC in
general and ‘Triple Talaq’ in particular. It always was a big political point
in BJP’s scheme of things. They had their eyes on it since 1989. In fact BJP
offered their support to the then National Front government in 1989 with a
condition that the government would address their demand of enacting a common
civil law. Unfortunately the said government couldn’t manage to survive long. Over
the decades BJP and its members were seen debating on these issues, both inside
as well as outside of the parliament. In the past they had put their political weight behind
anyone who was fighting for a common civil law. Be it Shyra Banoo as an
individual or ‘Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andoolan’ as a group, BJP always stood behind them firm. RSS in fact was a
major party in the case that our apex court was hearing since May 2017. RSS too
used its strong carder base to collect millions of signatures across India in
supporting the ban of this bad practice. Narendra Modi too was quite vocal
about his government’s preferences. In fact he was the first politician and PM
who talked about ‘Triple Talaq’ from the ‘Red Fort’. As early as his 2017 Independence
Day speech, Modi requested the courts to work towards a coherent and socially
justifiable verdict. Uphold the constitutional values, he urged, exactly what
the courts finally said while dumping this malicious practice to the dustbin. Though
not in their national manifesto, ‘Triple Talaq’ was always an unwritten poll
promise of BJP. To let know their seriousness, BJP in fact put the ‘Triple
Talaq’ in their manifesto for the UP legislative elections.
Many would say BJP was just clever in managing the show to
their advantage. Few even ask – why didn’t BJP make the legislation through
parliament when they are enjoying majority in the lower house. Why go to the
courts, asked one of my friends. I must say BJP did play it beautifully. A
lower number in the upper house had made the option of legislation
through parliament almost redundant. A solution through parliament would for sure have scaled the Secularism Vs
Communalism debate to unimaginable idiocy level. Instead they choose to travel
the judiciary route where there were cases already been filed before the court. All they need to do was to put their political power behind it. Couldn't have come any easier for BJP. They too agreed before the court under oath that they will pursue to bring in
the required legislation once the courts confirm the constitutional viability
of such a practice. No wonder BJP turned out clever here. Now that the court
was severe in dismissing this uncultured practice, I am sure the secularities
wouldn’t dare to question the wisdom of the apex court in fear of public and
political humiliation. Of course BJP was clever in fighting for their poll
promise covertly but what made other political parties to not act as cleverly
as BJP did? What made them miss the bus? Where were the SP, BSP, Congress, TMC et. all? Why these parties
didn’t act equally smart or clever? What were they busy at?
Not sure about other parties but Congress was busy
defending ‘Triple Talaq’ as they traditional did over the years. While earlier
the attempts were covert or at best ignorance, this time it was quite open. This time they
pressed their in-house lawyers to do the damage directly. They deployed both Salman
Khurshid and Kapil Sibal to destroy whatever minimal credibility they had vis-à-vis UCC.
Even more bizarre is the kind of argument these lawyers furnished in the
court. One gem of the many was - Since it is a practice for thousand of years one must continue with the
filth. Perfect!! Perfect in a way that exposes what Congress always thought
about UCC and ‘Triple Talaq’. Every religion has practices that not only are vicious
but also are far from fitting into the prevalent times. Do the likes of Sibal and
his party suggest all of us to continue carrying the rot to the next generation
and beyond? What kind of logic that Congress wanted to bring through
their leader-cum-lawyers? This is how the inherent and sinister idea of pseudo secularism
fails you at the end. There were dozens of survivors of this pathetic practice
that were fighting it out in the court while million other survivors were
anxiously waiting to know what the nation gives them in return and Congress as
a party decided to fail them, one and all. No reason, no substantive argument
and abject disrespect to basic human respect are all that Congress could offer to the aspirations of millions of Muslim women. All that Congress could furnish to counter the debate were hilarious whataboutery which
again were far from being the truth.
I equally blame the foot soldiers of the ecosystem for
the misery that the Muslim women of this country had to suffer for this long.
Like their masters, the footsies too survive purely on whataboutery; border
line with absolute shamelessness. On a day the landmark judgment was delivered
what these footsies found more relevant to discuss? Yes, when the rot in the Hinduism would
be cleared up. Seriously? Does it even make any sense, much less any argument? Are these guys ended up being so jobless? Few even
went ahead proclaiming and lecturing on the wrongs in Hinduism without a shred
of knowledge on the facts and the developments in Hindu personal laws. Is this bimbo so dumb? Isn’t
she aware that the point she is crying hoarse for the heck of it was already
addressed way back in 2005? The guidelines of inheritance in Hindu laws has already been
modified and equal rights were already issued a long time back. Did she get up
just today or was she busy swimming in her pool when the courts did the required changes
to the Hindu inheritance law? Not sure who got motivated by whom, street thug
too had an advice or two for the PMO. I wonder when these guys would learn
journalism. These are not the only distorted souls who had everything on fire. Scavenging wrong in Hinduism is what they could think of doing through the day. There were other useful idiots too. More than the verdict and the veracity of it, most of them were
busy concluding how BJP shouldn’t be a party to the credit for this social
success. Totally blind by hate, so much so that they conveniently forgot, the point here isn’t
who is getting the credit but a section that now onwards would have their
dignity restored. Hate has blind them to such an extent that they don’t know
what real journalists do for a living.
To say the least, it is a massive, massive day in the
history of our judiciary. It was equally massive and a huge boost to our fight
for social equality as well. One of the longest fought nonsense is settled for
good finally. Let’s congratulate the brave women who took the male chauvinism
and historical parochialism head-on. Let’s congratulate all those who stood by
these women in every thick-and-thin. Let’s
congratulate our courts too. They are the man of the match. One major social
issue that looked impossible to fix is dealt swiftly by our apex court. In fact
they did the heavy lifting. It is now up to the central government to formulate
the desired legislation at the earliest and make it a law. A long fought war should
have a satisfying ending.
Over to you the ministry of Law, PMO,
Narendra Modi and Ravishankar Prasad. Catch you at the other side.
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