NDTV And The History Of Its Journalists

Pronoy Roy started his TV career with a show called ‘World
This Week’ some 30 years back. And this was the pre Gulf war era. Post the
introduction of cable TV in India PR tied up with Star network and produced
news content for their 24X7 English news channel. After 7-8 years (or is it
more?) of association PR suddenly walked out of the contract and floated his
own channels, namely, NDTV 24X7 and NDTV India, the Hindi platform. Now from
here the interesting part starts. When PR got the license for the channels it
wasn’t that easy to get them from the information and broadcasting ministry. It
was really tough. On the ground of national security all up-linking of private
channels were done through Prasar Bharati. This arrangement came with a
substantial running cost. The initial security deposit itself went into many
crores. Not sure from where PR got that much of money. But I am not worried too
much on the initial investment part. I would rather give the benefit of doubt
to PR here. What bothers me here is how NDTV got the licenses so easily. If I
am not wrong, back then Tata Sons also applied for broadcasting licenses but
were refused. So what was so special with Pranoy Roy? Trust me, I had spent
many hours to find a logical reasoning but failed, because, there were none.
After much deliberation I thought of diverting my study to an entirely
different direction. Was I missing something initially and was just beating
around the bush? Of course I was. What was I missing? The answers to it lies if
one closely notes the journalists that were part of the network initially, and most of whom are still continuing with the channel. I
simply never thought in that direction. Once I changed my orientation towards
this route, things started to fall into place. Let me elaborate.
I have always maintained – our journalists aren’t very
bright people. In fact, most of them are outright dumb. They have proven me right time and again. Examples of their
collective and individual stupidity would run into half a ton of paper and yet
you would still be half done. This applies more ravenously with NDTV
journalists than those of any other channel, though most in the business of
news fabrication are dumb. However, these journalists would act very smart and
give that impression of them being the most learned souls walking on the face
of this planet. While in reality they in fact are the exact opposite. Most of them are no better
than doorknobs. One thing they know is to relentlessly peddle nasty agendas on
behest of their masters. That’s what they are busy doing since eternity in the
name of journalism. If you ever thought that these selfsame agenda hawkers got
their jobs because of their journalistic brilliance, then you are missing the
fact by a galaxy’s distance. They know nothing about journalism, and trust me
when I say this. What they are doing is far from what real journalists do.
These are a bunch of incompetent souls who know nothing about journalism. Let’s
go one by one of these celebrated journalists who started their career with
NDTV, because, there where the real secret lies. It would also throw us an
interesting perspective as to how these wheeler-dealers made it big in Indian
journalism without any real journalistic achievements to their names.
Sagarika Ghose – She doesn’t need any introduction. In fact,
most of the names I am going to list don’t need any introduction at all. I call
her ‘Category5Moron’, but affectionately. She holds the key to the very basic
question on how PR could get the licenses. Yes, it lies with SG. PR must keep
on thanking SG for that, which I am sure he would still be doing. This also
explains how SG being below mediocre would get the job in NDTV. SG is the
daughter of Bhashkar Ghose, a known corrupt director general of Prasar Bharati.
His escapades with massive corruption would speak for themselves if one goes
around studying the time period of Pramod Mahajan as the I&B minister. His
corruption footprints even stretch much before that, but we aren’t going that
far or else this entire post would be on him alone. By the way, this guy was at
the helm when NDTV applied for the licenses and got them in seven days flat.
Does it sound a bell? A helpful father made sure that in exchange of his over the top help for NDTV his good for nothing daughter gets the job
that she doesn’t deserve at all. Hence, along
with the two licenses, Sagarika Ghose too landed on Pranoy Roy’s lap (read
channel). But this woman behaves as if she is the Michelangelo of Indian
journalism, overflowing with raw talent.
Srinivasan Jain – Yes the ‘Truth Vs Hype’ chap. Only thing –
all he has is just hype because the truth behind his NDTV job is bitter. It
would bewilder many HR managers to see this extremely ordinary and below
average journalist could survive so long in the market. But surprisingly, he
not only has survived but also has flourished during the same period. How is that
possible? Let’s go to the Vajpayee era again. How many of you remember an
incident involving our then ambassador to South Africa? That guy was colluding
with SA government to shame India on a UN forum. This was regarding the Pokhran
nuclear test. Vajpayee government duly suspended the ambassador citing his incompetency
and work against the state. Should I call that main a traitor? Of course he is.
The man in question is named L.C Jain. I am sure you can now join the dots. Srini
is the son of that man. His father was busy conspiring against the nation while
son now is busy lecturing the world on secularism and other assorted nonsense.
Srini is yet another run-of-the-mill journalist who found his way into NDTV
because of his father’s work. What are his personal achievements as a journalist except
peddling fake agendas? Absolutely nothing.
Rajdeep Sardesai – Now comes the street thug. Do you think
he knows anything even remotely associated with journalism? I seriously doubt. Many would be
knowing that he is the son of an ex cricketer Deelip Sardesai. Another influential
father. But most not be knowing that the senior Sardesai wrote a book called ‘Democracy
- XI’, not on Cricket but on politics. He literally word worshiped Indira
Gandhi and most in the Nehru-Gandhi family with best of words. He even found
emergency was an evil necessity, which he elaborated in his book. Interesting!!
Now his son is pretty much doing the same, even if that means showing his
boxing prowess on foreign lands. Along with his father, his wife Sagaraika
Ghose too had a role to play on how he managed to squeeze into NDTV setup. Like
most from the NDTV stable, RS is far from being bright. He only knows agenda
shoving, much like Srinivasan Jain.
Nidhi Razdan – Bimbo in chief and the dumbest of all. She
even thinks she can question the wisdom of our Apex Court. How this bimbo found
her place in NDTV when she is barely qualified for a receptionist’s job? No
clue? When you are clueless of these celebrity journos, look no beyond than their
Dads in the background. Believe me, this works most of the time. Here too Nidhi’s father holds the key. He heads the
largest news house of India called ANI. Not sure if he has retired or not but
that hardly matters. If insiders were to be believed, Nidhi’s father played a
big role in PR getting the licenses. Recommendations, you see? Like Sagarika, Nidhi too fell on the lap of Pronoy Roy along with the licenses. Rest as they
say is history. Her massive journalistic work also made sure that an ex CM
divorced his wife of 10 years. Interesting piece of achievement for a
journalist. Most scribes around the world would be very proud of Nidhi and her achievements.
Sonia Singh – Her godfather is pretty straightforward. You
don’t have to work too much to unearth that. She is the second wife of the ex-minister
of state for home. He was the MoS home in the UPA government. Though I haven’t
seen Sonia Singh peddling lies as ferociously as others in NDTV do but her
loyalty to Congress more than journalism was never in doubt. When your husband is a minister in the ruling government your bias towards the government is only natural. We should give that much to Sonia Singh. Barring few occasions
when her maid falls ill because of some policy of the Modi Sarkar, she is
pretty much an accidental journalist. Like most in NDTV, her offer letter has
more to do with her political clout, this time direct, than her journalistic
excellence. Forget excellence, I am not sure if she has studied in any mass
communication college or not to begin with. Husband a Congress minister and wife walks into the most trusted mouthpiece of Congress without much fuss; absolutely a flawless equation
Sara Jacob – Another bimbo who is there in NDTV because of
her close proximity to power. When did you last saw her doing the job of a
journalist? I haven’t ever. So how does she made it there and that too become a
celebrity journalist? Her grandfather, if I am not wrong, was the governor of
Meghalaya or something. But that is part of the reason for her success story, not the entire one. The
bigger part is her father-in-law. Her FIL is one of the biggest Lutyen freeloader
going by the name Monteksingh Ahluwallia. I hope I have spelled the freeloader
correctly. There is no free scotch circuit across Delhi where MSA wasn't a member. Like what her FIL always was SJ is nothing but mediocre in her alleged
profession. We all know what MSA did as the planning commission chairman. At
least he made sure that her DIL gets into the perfect agenda peddling machine
that supports his and his master’s narrative and covers his own crime as the planning commission head successfully.
Ravish Kumar – Bimbo equivalent in male form and the crankiest
of them all. I am told, he actually worked his way up in journalism and I had no substantial
reason to disagree. I have seen few of his shows and they were tolerable, if
not good. More the reason I believed he is an exception with NDTV. But his godforsaken
brother ruined it all, including his cleverly fabricated image. He not only was
caught while running an inter-state (or was it inter-continental?) prostitution
racket but it was also found that he is a Congressi. Was it the case of an
influential brother, if not father, that made Ravish Kumar what he is today? Possibly yes. Can’t
rule that out. Looking at how other garbage made it to the channel I don’t see any
good reason to make Ravish Kumar’s job with NDTV an exception. There aren’t any
grounds that RK showcased to even think if his could be actually an exception.
Like most, he is mediocre too and not to mention, abjectly biased against anything related to BJP.
Barkha Dutt – Saved the best for the last. By the way she
has a sister named Bahar Dutt, working in News 18 media. No, she is a nice
girl, unlike Barkha. How Barkha made it to NDTV? First – she had a long association
with Pranoy Roy, even before NDTV came out with their own channels. Second – Pranoy Roy was a very good friend of her mother
Prabha Dutt, a journalist herself. Here instead of an influential father, it
was a friendly mother who seems to have done the trick. Poor father was busy
working for Air-India and was far from influencing anyone. She got into NDTV
purely because of mother’s friendship with PR. This was even elaborated by
Vinod Mehta in his book Lucknow Boy. Prabha Dutt had requested PR to take her
daughter as an intern in NDTV and try out her journalistic learning. What a
mistake that was, I swear. Who knew she would become the worst journalist and the most dubious in the lot. Undoubtedly she is the worst news trader of
India and would remain at the pinnacle for years to come?
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