The Myth Called Kashmiriyat
For the first time I heard this nonsense from Atal Bihari
Vajpayee. While addressing a rally in Srinagar he said – “Kashmiriyat Insaniyat And
Jamhuriyat”. Whatever that meant though but it still did manage to pacify the perpetual trouble
makers of the valley for some time. But little did Vajpee ji knew that the apologists elsewhere would pick the gobbledygook of his quite seriously. For every damn squabble
emanating from the valley now days is conveniently covered under the pretext of
some ‘Kashmiriyat’ that no one has ever seen being practiced by the people in
the valley. I don’t know what ‘Kashmiriyat’ that these selfsame terror
apologists sing about all day long, but the minimal time I had spent in the
valley makes me wonder if I had been to an entirely different place than what these
advocators describe sitting in the comfort of their AC rooms.
Now why am I picking up this ‘Kashmiriyat’ farce today? Three days back seven Amarnath yatris were gunned down by these same ‘Kashmiriyat’ exhibiters and we have hoards of morons who are already busy piling up the same garbage to cover the trail of the perpetrators once again. It is about time that the nonsense that Atal Ji kick started must be called out loud and clear. The jokers who survive on the crumbs we throw at them and yet whine mindless ‘Azaadi’ all through the year is the real Kashmir that our established apologists try to wash away with some non-existent ‘Kashmiriyat’ fraudulence. So lets settle this falsehood once-and-for-all.
Now why am I picking up this ‘Kashmiriyat’ farce today? Three days back seven Amarnath yatris were gunned down by these same ‘Kashmiriyat’ exhibiters and we have hoards of morons who are already busy piling up the same garbage to cover the trail of the perpetrators once again. It is about time that the nonsense that Atal Ji kick started must be called out loud and clear. The jokers who survive on the crumbs we throw at them and yet whine mindless ‘Azaadi’ all through the year is the real Kashmir that our established apologists try to wash away with some non-existent ‘Kashmiriyat’ fraudulence. So lets settle this falsehood once-and-for-all.
History is always been a blind spot for the leftist
and the same crap is fed to us 24X7 through various intellectual masturbation that
has no base or truth in it. The morons of the valley who today shout that India
and its citizens have betrayed them were shouting ‘Asi gachhei Pakistan, battaw
rostiy; battaneo san’ (We want Pakistan without Pundit Men; but Pundit women)
while driving out the 5000 year old native civilization of Kashmiri Pundits
from the valley. At one point there were only 11 Pundit families left in the
valley. Thousands of Pundit men were killed; their women were raped and
mutilated. Even small kids were not spared. Many small boys died due to
unimaginable pain and bleeding when they were subjected to forceful castration as
per the Islamic ritual. The image to the right is just a sample of the crime
that was perpetrated in 1990 to which no one till date is even charge-sheeted,
much less punished. The history of Pundit exodus is so horrific that even the
steel hearts cringe while narrating the gory tales. There is an infamous spot in
Dal Lake called ‘Bat Mazar’ (Graveyard of Pundits) where Pundit men were
stuffed in shacks and drowned and their women were then paraded naked,
humiliated, raped and then butchered. Pundits were given a three day ultimatum
to either convert to Islam or face the consequences. Many fled the state in
fear of their lives and still are living a refuge life in their own homeland. The
properties of the Pundits were either illegally snapped by these ‘Kashmiriyat’
exponents or purchased at dart cheap rate. I have a friend named Nitin Kaul
whose family property was taken away in exchange of Rs 18,000 and free one way
bus tickets to Jammu. His father and grandfather along with all female members
and kids had to flee in the mid of the night to save their lives from the prowling
wolves. Where was the ‘Kashmiriyat’ hiding back then? Or is it actually the
true ‘Kashmiriyat’ that otherwise being sugar coated by our liberal apologists
and served to us on daily basis with a different humanity flavour? In fact many
in the apologist’s clan out-rightly refute to acknowledge the merciless butchering
that went around 1990. This is the true ‘Kashmiriyat’ that the intellectuals
are trying to cover. While we as a nation are spending millions in giving food
and shelter to the pigs in the valley who, rather being grateful, turnaround and
bark at us at every given opportunity. Morons are enjoying on our money while the Pundits are still living in refugee
camps and dying of starvation and snake bites.
It was 1990 and it is 2017 today but the morons haven’t
changed a bit. In fact they have gone worse. They pelt stones at our security
forces at their will. They burn our national flag in broad daylight. Every year
the Amarnath Yatra is subjected to stone pelting by these ‘Kashmiriyat’ thugs
though many of them make a living from the money they earn doing sundry jobs
during the Yatra period. They simply hate India no end. They don’t even spare
the ambulances carrying critically injured army personnel. They pelt stones at
them too and block the road so that the injured couldn’t be ferried to the
nearest hospital. They come out and pelt stones at the security forces while
they are engaged with the hiding terrorists so that the terrorists could flee. Their Mosques announce in loud speakers where the security forces are engaged with terrorists. They
make Bhuran Wani a hero and cry for revenge against the Indian state and vow to
inflict more damage. The list of crime of these pigs is literally endless. But what we were told instead? There is some bloody goodie-goodie ‘Kashmiriyat’
in the valley that unfortunately no one has seen or felt; not now never in the past. DySp
Ayyub Pundit was lynched while on duty because he was perceived to be a Hindu.
This is how the ‘Kashmiriyat’ flows down to the street. Just because he could
be a Hindu, he must be lynched. And the morons aren’t remorseful at all. That
is perhaps why thousands attended the funeral of the pig who was the mastermind
in DySp’s lynching. Not only that, they draped his body with ISIS flag. Where
is the ‘Kashmiriyat’ here? I don’t see any. What I see instead here is
pathological hate for India and everything Indian. In fact the entire valley’s
mind set is anti-India centric. It flows down from their leadership. They
consider any non-Muslim not part of the valley. That is perhaps why when
Pundits tried to return to Kashmir were faced with deplorable comments and
obnoxious gestures from the native populace. Look the Pundit men have sent
their women for our pleasure is what they jollied about while laughing at the
decade long apathy of the Pundit clan. Is this the ‘Kshmiriyat’ that the louts
tout about? Omar Abdullha was delighted when Parvez Rasool was selected in the
Indian Cricket team and tweeted how the first ever Kashmiri makes it big in
Cricket. Alas, he conveniently forgot a certain Vivek Razdan or a Suresh Raina.
But I don’t blame Abdullha Jr. because this is the exact mind-set that is long
been sugar-coated and served as some laughable ‘Kashmiriyat’ to the rest of the world.
The same ‘Kashmiriyat’ nonsense was raked up again when
seven Amarnath Yatris were killed. And who took the lead in peddling the
nonsense? Yes, it is none other than the great Rajnath ‘Kadi Ninda’ Singh. This
is how the current Modi government is losing its core vote base. Not only Mr.
Singh, there were many other ministers in the present government who peddled this ‘Kashmiriyat’
baloney. Seriously? BJP is perceived to be the only party that cares for Hindu
sentiment but I guess the masks are off now. They too are getting into the
farcical secularism nonsense to protect their Muslim votes. Is Hindu votes taken
for a guarantee? Is it the mind-set that is creeping into this government’s hierarchy? Coming back to the tweet to the right; I don’t find a problem with Suchi Karla’s tweet. In fact anyone with slightest
humanity would react the same way. Who really gives a fuck to this ‘Kashmiriyat’ nonsense
when innocent people were killed just because they were Hindus and were on
their way back from a religious Yatra? Any sane mind would see that she wasn’t
asking for every Kashmiri to be culled. It is not very difficult to realize
that she is pointing at those who carried out the killings, provided you are
not Rajnath Singh. Just to make a place in the liberal hearts RS abjectly
misrepresented her tweet and threw his own baseless nonsense as response. No
sir, you aren’t doing your job well. Hindus are getting killed on daily basis
in Kerala and Bengal. Have I ever heard you, even for once, on those killings? Post
every terror attack you do nothing, absolutely nothing, as the home minister of this country. Your competence level in executing your responsibilities doesn't go much beyond your flabbergasting ‘Kadi Ninda’
which is as hilarious as you being there at the position you are in. For a long time I
haven’t seen a more incompetent home minister (in fact Shivraj Patil was far better) than RS and yet he finds ‘Kashmiriyat’
as answer, rather cover-up, to the killings of innocents and his subsequent incompetence. No wonder RS became a darling of the
liberal clout instantly and that is perhaps what RS wanted deep down when he conveniently
distorted the angry and genuine outburst of a common citizen.
I am sure RS isn’t that naive to have realized that these
liberals would never support his party when it matters. They never have done it in the past nor do they have any plans to change that in future. Yet RS conveniently peddles
the same rubbish that these liberals want to hear. People who have long
supported BJP and objected to the falsehood of the ecosystem without anything
in return matters nothing to the party and its politicians. What matters to them is their acceptance in a group of spinners and applauds from the
secularism cheer girls. Ask RS to talk about the mindless killing going on in
Kerala or Bengal, he would wet his pants but conveniently let the liberals
pounce on a woman by distorting her tweet. Few even reached out to her employer and
asked her to be removed from her job. This is what the incompetent RS perhaps
wanted. Even Modi tweeted that he is pained to hear the death of seven Yatris
because of terror. I am sure he didn’t mean a single word of it. Neither he nor
his government cares two hoots for Hindus and their sentiments. Cowards these people are. To hide their own shortcomings they let others be used as scapegoats.
The ever clownish Ravishankar Prasad is another idiot who makes no sense by his presence in the government. He asks if those who died in the terror attack have any human rights or not. Whom this joker is asking this question and why? Someone please educate this moron that his party is having the government at the center and he is the law minister himself. Who is stopping him or his government from acting? He was equally shameless when Mamata Banarjee government banned Durga Puja at few places in Bengal. He then asked if Hindus have the right to celebrate their festivals or not. What a moronic question that was? This even sounds more moronic coming from the present law minister. Why not act if there is a violation of someone's fundamental rights? Why pose nonsensical questions on tweeter as if that matters? Please tell me, who made him the law minister right-away. What level of incompetence and cowardliness would make one be so disgraceful to his/her own responsibilities? Narendra Modi seems to have filled his cabinet with jokers of all hue. It looks like as if he handpicked the best from the 'good for nothing' lot to fill his cabinet posts. Monumental miscarriage of people's mandate, I tell you.
The ever clownish Ravishankar Prasad is another idiot who makes no sense by his presence in the government. He asks if those who died in the terror attack have any human rights or not. Whom this joker is asking this question and why? Someone please educate this moron that his party is having the government at the center and he is the law minister himself. Who is stopping him or his government from acting? He was equally shameless when Mamata Banarjee government banned Durga Puja at few places in Bengal. He then asked if Hindus have the right to celebrate their festivals or not. What a moronic question that was? This even sounds more moronic coming from the present law minister. Why not act if there is a violation of someone's fundamental rights? Why pose nonsensical questions on tweeter as if that matters? Please tell me, who made him the law minister right-away. What level of incompetence and cowardliness would make one be so disgraceful to his/her own responsibilities? Narendra Modi seems to have filled his cabinet with jokers of all hue. It looks like as if he handpicked the best from the 'good for nothing' lot to fill his cabinet posts. Monumental miscarriage of people's mandate, I tell you.
When the ‘Kashmiriyat’ is peddled from the least
expected quarters how on earth one can expect the natural components of the
ecosystem to not peddle it further? 'Barkha Tapes' shouts her lungs out. Which ‘Kashmiriyat’
she thinks the terror attack has undone? Didn’t I say it earlier that the
frauds do a nice sugar-coating job of the nonsense? All that I can remember of
Kashmir is terror attack and abject hate for India and Hindus. They agree to
repel article 370 provided no non-Muslim is allowed to purchase property in the
valley. This is how these leeches build their narrative. With blood and only
blood in their hands, which ‘Kashmiriyat’ Barkha thinks is undone by few more extra
killing? And what the solution that this Darbari is offering in hindsight since
the so called ‘Kashmiriyat’ is in jeopardy – government shouldn’t have
organized the Yatra. Brilliant. This is what even the bone of contention for
ages for these ‘Kashmiriyat’ chaps. They don’t want the Yatra to happen there
ever. It hurts their Muslim sentiments which they showcase every year by
pelting stones at the Yatris without fail. Ban Durga Puja in Bengal since Muslims
find it offending can very well be experimented in the valley as well. No
Yatra, no stone pelting hence the ‘Kashmiriyat’ would stay intact. This is how
our liberals push such unbelievable charlatanism to cover the criminals.
But Kashmiriyat isn’t over Ms. Barkha Dutt. Don't be so perturbed. ‘Kashmiriyat’
was again on display on the day the terror attack happened. If I see someone in
distress my natural human instinct would tell me to help him/her. It is true
for most of us. This is called basic humanity. But ‘Kashmiriyat’ is a different
ball game it seems. When people were dying the leeches were laughing at them,
much like how they laughed at Pundits when they revisited their place after
decades. This is ‘Kashmiriyat’ for you. But it is our fault. They weren’t
laughing at the plight of those who were killed or severely injured. They were
laughing at us for being so shameless in sponsoring their nonsense from our Tax
money. This is precisely the ‘Kashmiriyat’ that I am witnessing for decades
now. As I said, they survive on the crumbs we throw at them but turn around and
bite us at the slightest opportunity – this is ladies and gents the dictionary
meaning of ‘Kashmiriyat’, if you still haven’t figured what this phenomenon is.
Millions of pilgrims go for Haj from Mumbai. Can you imagine any liberal or
Rajnath Singh applauding the ‘Maharashtraiyat’ (if I may coin this nonsense)
had there been similar attack on them? Would you have expected the cheer girls
to go there and cover the crime? Your guess is as good as mine. But today no
one is talking about those who lost their lives; hell, no one even knows what
their names are. Was it by design and purpose Mr. Rajnath Singh? Because it
took no time to know a certain Akhlaq Ahemad or Phelu Khan. Why the names of
the dead still not been disclosed? Exactly which part of ‘Kashmiriyat’ is
holding the incompetent Rajnath Singh from divulging the names?
Such a disappointing government we have chosen, I tell you. Other
than delivering his monotonic and boring speeches Narendra Modi has done
nothing for the Hindus, presumably his core vote base. He sees ‘Gaurakhaks’ but
never could see the hundreds of killings of Hindus in Kerala and Bengal. I
never have heard him say a single word on those killings. Where is that ‘56’
inch chest Mr. Modi? Or the astounding love of ‘Kashmiriyat’ has shrunken it to
naught? Congress, with thousand flaws, is still better any day. At least they
value their core supporters and go to any length to satisfy their wishes. But
in case of BJP, those who hate and abhor them are dearer than those who have
supported them in all thick-and-thin. So dear Narendra Modi, next time Hindus
are butchered again, please don’t tweet your farcical ‘I am pained’ avowels. We
for sure know these are meaningless and probably outright lies. In reality, you
care nothing for those who struggled, fought, supported and voted you to power.
I guess, you are better off with the ‘Kashmiriyat’ and all the exponents who
dance around this mythical jargon while having group orgasm.
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