We Aren’t Fixing It – Part II
It is
unfortunate that I have to write a sequel of it after 7 years. The brutal rape
and murder of a veterinarian in Hyderabad had got many out on the streets and
agitating. It got me out of my slumber as a regular blog writer too. Instant justice was the collective demand. But is it the first time
that we are seeing such scenes on Indian roads? Even more alarming question would
be – are we seeing it for the last time? Honestly, here, your guess is as good
as mine. Priyanka Reddy was definitely not the first case and, in all probability,
it won’t be last either. In a stark reminder of the infamous 2012 Delhi rape
and murder of Jyoti Singh, Hyderabad case threw us a very pertinent (read horrific)
question – are we learning anything from such horrific incidents? Are we going beyond our laughable candle marches and stupid placards? And the
answer is even more horrific – we aren’t learning anything. My problem isn’t entirely
on our inabilities to learn but a major part on our acute disinterest in
learning anything at all. This is both extremely unfortunate and scary.
During 2012 I too had written in length on the precise
reasons why this malice is prevailing and would continue to prevail if we aren’t
going to address the root cause of all big-ticket crimes, not just rape and
murder. I had prayed back then that India won’t give me another chance to write
on the similar lines ever again. How pathetically optimistic I was. To my utter
horror we are still convincing ourselves by all means to avoid even acknowledging
the root cause, much less addressing it. It’s this collective ostrich playing
on serious issues that makes me sick. I am not sure why we are so antagonistic
to pointing at the problems within and fixing them. Look at how people were
showering rose petals on the Hyderabad police after they gunned done the 4
accused in the case in a police encounter. I really don’t care if that
was a real encounter as police claims or a fake one. This post isn’t about the
encounter at all. It is about something more serious. The celebration after the
encounter isn’t just a mere celebration that justice (if so, we can say) was
delivered swiftly and hot. It is infact a slap on our entire criminal justice system. It
reflects how people have lost faith in our judiciary of delivering rightful
justice in time. We prefer such encounters over thorough judicial process was
all that such episodic celebrations implied, and I am not impugning the populace
for being so blood thirsty and preferring Kangaroo courts over civilized
process of law, and dare any one blame them either.
Criminology isn’t rocket science; it never was. It is the
authorities who fail to acknowledge the same is a bigger problem. Most big criminals
don’t become one overnight, and it is true for criminals worldwide, not just
India. It is a series of smaller crimes that leads them to commit bigger
crimes. 9 out 10 criminals just run out of their lucks before getting
apprehended for a bigger crime and when authorities start investigating it
throws up many smaller crimes of them in the past that were either ignored by
choice or compulsion or went unnoticed that led them to be what they are today.
We ignore smaller crimes time and again and that leads to bigger crimes. It happens always and we aren’t short of proofs of this claim. This is precisely what I
called as playing Ostrich when it comes to nipping these crimes and criminals
in the bud. World is a witness to such lethargic behaviour of the authorities
who are still not admissive of this simple logic. In India this goes beyond
just being lethargic. It is even more worrisome. No one perhaps explained this
worrying characteristic better than the Bihar DGP. We support criminals based
on religion, caste, creed. We garland rape accused because they fit our
narrative. We look the other way if criminals are part of our political orientation.
We basically go moronic when it comes to crime and criminals. And no wonder we
were bound to land up in the mess that we are currently finding ourselves in.
Only way out is to resurrect ourselves or else we are just buying our time
before we agitate again for another heinous case very soon.
Look at the history of the main accused in the Hyderabad
case. He was driving a commercial vehicle without a license for last two years.
Really? He was never been caught on our highways? Just before 24 hours he was apprehended
by cops for not having proper documents. He somehow hoodwinked the cops and ran
away with the vehicle. And I don’t want to believe he was never been hold up
prior to the last one. Either he would have ran away like the last time or may
have bribed his way out. Ignoring smaller crimes leads to bigger ones – never forget.
We are so nonsensical that we were far from learning even after this man was
arrested for his last barbaric crime. Media houses like ‘The Quint’ even ran
around whitewashing this thug. And what was the most convenient way of
whitewashing – play the poor card as if being poor automatically gives you
license to carry out crimes. More being that man a serial criminal it was his
poverty that was the centre point of ‘Quint’s’ deplorable journalistic
adventure. In the entire article they published his crimes were cleverly hidden
behind his poverty. What that article tried to achieve is just beyond me. But
there is a pattern to it. A nefarious pattern of ignoring crimes in the name of
journalism. Remember how Bhuran Wani was more a son of a head master than a
hardcore terrorist? This is how we ignore crimes by choice. It is unfortunate
for ‘Quint’ and other liberal leaning junks that the mother of the culprit
spilled the beans. But the crimes these media houses do time and again is
simply unpardonable.
What you see in the image? Yes, few palacefuls going on a rampage
on Mumbai streets during the Azad Maidan nonsense. They disrespected our war
heroes, damaged war memorials, other public properties and even private properties.
They even molested passing by women and lady cops. What action been taken
against these ruffians? Absolutely nothing; at least nothing that I know. Since
the agitators were fitting to the political narrative of the then UPA state
Govt of Maharashtra, these criminals were never brought to book. In a strange
Ostrich like behaviour the then secular Govt of the state tried its best to
look the other way. Horrific even – few able misters of the state even tried to
covertly justify these broad daylight criminals. Let’s look the other way
because we can’t jeopardise our votes. No wonder the main culprit in a murder
in Bhiwandi 2 years later was found out to be one of the main instigators of
this Azad Maidan rally. What action been taken against Owaisi who was the chief
organizer of this farce? Azad Maidan is just one example. They come out after their
Friday prayers and destroy public properties. There are many examples of this
behaviour. I can recall (a dozen times at least) they damaging public transport
busses after their Friday prayer. Most of the time for the silliest of reasons.
And it is most rampant in Delhi. No action was ever taken against them. Absolutely
nothing when most of these criminals can be seen clearly on the videos. Against
the rule they occupy main roads and do their Namaz disturbing the general
commuters every Friday. I once had to wait for an hour and half in Mumbai with
a flight to catch just because few people were busy breaking the law while the
authorities were busy looking the other way. To my horror even a full blowing
Ambulance was stranded three vehicles ahead of me. I pray to God and hope the almighty must
have shown his mercy on the poor soul in that ambulance. These appear very small
crimes but they aren’t. We fuel the perpetrators to carry out bigger ones the
moment we start ignoring them. It is the confidence that we won’t be caught or
questioned since we play a vital political role because of our caste, creed or
religion is what makes them lawless. Exactly what the Bihar DGP said. Like dust
the confidence of committing a crime and getting away with it just piles on
leading to hazardous levels.
Our courts aren’t far behind in ignoring these criminals. A
rape accused released on bail burnt the woman he had raped few months back in
Unnao. As far as I know rape is a non-bailable offence. How this moron got the
bail at the first place? Can we ask the me-lord for a detailed explanation on
what made him grant the bail to this criminal that led to the brutal crime? Where
is the accountability? Can we even ask why police didn’t give security to the
woman when the danger was apparent? We can’t because we are in a habit of
ignoring the crimes. A two-bit Padre raped half a dozen nuns and he was granted
bail. Now that he is back in his zone, he is intimidating the nuns and used his
clout to throw the nuns out of the church. How this Padre with such serious
offence and multiple accusers got the bail? What was the logic behind the bail
if not for our eagerness to ignore these crimes? Who will be answerable if something serious happens to these nuns? Just because the Padre plays a big role
in the political demography his case was watered down considerably in the
charge-sheet by the investigating authorities. Worse even, the authorities
weren’t extremely eager in opposing his bail. This is what we have reduced ourselves to
officially. Many political figures, big and small, have serious charges like
rape and murder against them. Few even are contesting from the jail. These are our so called representatives and we are as clueless as we can on whom we are electing to represent us. We are clueless because the criminal belongs to our caste or religion. A hardcore
criminal like Raja Bhaiya was made the law (or was it jail) minister of the state. We ignore all
of them and their crimes. We ignore a moron from Azad Maidan, and we ignore a
certain Amarmani Tripathi in the same breadth.
I will run into hundreds of pages if I cite all example of
our rotten behaviour when it comes to crimes. And in most of these crimes we
will find how our ignorance has led to such crimes. Morons get bail and kill
more people. After brutal crime the criminals were given money to rebuild their
lives. At times I just get numb looking at such developments. Paid activists
come out with their placards for Kathua rape while remain suspiciously silent
on Hyderabad case. They rather try to whitewash the main culprit because that
fits their political narrative. These paid people are worse than the criminals
themselves. Media now is in an overrun in publishing crime against women because
that is the hot topic of the week. They aren’t interested for the safety of
women. They never were. Such news would automatically stop being published
within a fortnight and it would be business as usual. One such activist even
poured petrol on her six year old daughter as part of her agitation. When we
have such morons who go to any extent for getting paid, let’s be very sure that
we aren’t fixing anything.
Even the ignorance has percolated to bigger crimes now days.
A teacher affiliated to an RSS run school was shot in Bengal three days back.
And it is not at all tough to identify the culprit. There are many eyewitnesses
of this crime too. Has the Bengal police arrested the man? You would be kidding
if you believe the man would have been arrested already. No, he isn’t. He is
yet to be arrested because the culprit not only belongs to a favourable
political party but also belongs to a particular religion. If you find this
bad, then let me tell you what is worse in this case. Anyone asking a genuine
question on the disinterest of the Bengal police to act against the culprit
gets you blocked by the police tweeter handle. Unbelievable jokers. Police is a
Govt agency paid by the tax payers. Who gave them the permission to block random
people just because they asked some uncomfortable and genuine questions? How no
action hasn’t yet been taken by the Bengal Govt against the police force for
such deplorable behaviour? But this is what we are. Just because a political
outfit has one of its dunderheads caught in a crime the cops are instructed to
look the other way. Or for that matter, muzzle anyone who exposés their
political complicities and utter incompetence. How many of you want to bet with
me that the said culprit must have had a history of many smaller (may be bigger
even) crimes? Take my words, he must have a filthy history and it would only
come out once (if at all) he is apprehended.
Someone asked me on twitter if I support the action of
Hyderabad police. Let me clear this question without a shred of doubt – I do
support. Delhi gangrape case was so called fast-tracked and we know how fast-tracked
it was after 7 years. The culprits are still alive, which should come as a slap
(read shame) to our civilized society. We give leniency to these criminals’
time and again, we lose faith in everything that we stood for. Justice should be
swift and time bound. Law should protect the innocent, unlike in our case where
it most of the times protects the criminals. Even if Jyoti Singh’s murderers
were to be hanged now it wouldn’t have the same impact on the budding
criminals, had it been done swiftly in a timebound manner. Justice not only
should be done but it should appear to be. The second part of this statement is
missing big time in India. Be it for caste, creed or religion or plain political
buffoonery, it is always we who fail ourselves miserably. This behaviour has to
change. We can’t ignore smaller crimes. We can only ignore at our own mercy. A
nation and its laws can't be built on the ground of ignorance. It is the hard and
brutal enforcement that builds a society, a healthy one.
Before anything else, even more than the much required police reforms, it is our judges who need a lesson or two on criminal behavior and criminal psychology. Our judges can't just let go hardcore criminals and in turn cheat the victims and our criminal justice system. The repercussions are happening way too often to be ignored. Our judges need to be held accountable for their actions.
Before anything else, even more than the much required police reforms, it is our judges who need a lesson or two on criminal behavior and criminal psychology. Our judges can't just let go hardcore criminals and in turn cheat the victims and our criminal justice system. The repercussions are happening way too often to be ignored. Our judges need to be held accountable for their actions.
All said and done, I strongly believe, we should answer in the same language as the question been
asked. These rapists should know what fear and helplessness is. Infact all big criminals should. Fear should be
delivered fresh and hot right at their doorsteps. We can’t install fear of the law by
ignoring the law itself. It never would work. And for God’s sake – candle march
isn’t justice. It is a cruel joke at the least and stupidity at the best.
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