Anti-Earth Day

Why only 142? Why not the whole of 365? Are we running short of causes or reasons to fit in those absent days? Or is it that guys don't want patrons to be disturbed on their off days and hence the weekends and official holidays are spared?
I have got mixed experience with all those hours or days. The very first disjoint that strikes me always is the whole semantics behind all these dedications. Are we suggesting that we care and love our Planet on the day or hour dedicated and rest of the time we care rat balls for her? Or as if all hell going to break lose except on the infamous February 14th to show love to your beloved? The second thing that strikes me is the idea of organizing various functions to celebrate these holy days or hours. No I am not talking about the type of functions organized by Sriram Sene on every Feb-14th to thrash few hapless couples. Thrashing might be their way of celebrating but not mine definitely.
I wasn't surprised when my wife once asked me to accompany her to attend a fashion show which was organized to celebrate the mother's day or something. Fashion show? What's they are going to show? Fashion? I have heard of Baby shows, Pet shows but Fashion? You also carry some sense of fashion, as claimed by you. Why don't you show me one or two of your fashions and stay indoor. I suggested. Without earring much my wife virtually dragged me out of the house to the parking lot.
After few handshakes, all those affectionate hugs and high fives the show did started finally. What the heck. Do you call this fashion? Few cardboard shaped girls clad in some outer wear and walking muck like spring driven toys? I whispered in my wife's ears. Am I supposed to do something?, I asked, as I saw few others cheering and waving. As Ganwar as being I am, I was about to take out a five rupee coin and pop it on the so called ramp, much like the old days Maharajs used to do during a Mujra. Don't be silly you. It is a Fashion show not a Mujra, informed my wife. Honestly till date the relation of this fashion show with mothers day is not clear to me.
After the phenomenal success of Earth Hour the organizers came up with the Earth Day concept which was celebrated someday back. Even if the city where I live was not participating as per the official list during the earth hour, still we guys did contributed handsomely to the cause, as our vigilant electricity department made sure to administer a load shedding during that hour where we were supposed to switch off our not so required electrical equipments. Instead of giving individuals the pain of remembering the exact time and the effort to get up from their sofas and switch off stuffs, the department thought of contributing themselves. Much same as the TDS the companies do. Weather you like it or not, support it or not you have to contribute to Pranob Da.
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