Khushboo! Who ?

When it comes to Gyan distribution, there are in fact two categories of entities. One are those who are more inclined towards the green leafs, as described above and another, who are not necessarily in for some quick bucks but want to be in the thick of controversies. Being adherent followers of the philosophy: "Out of sight :- out of mind", they out of nowhere deliver ornamental insights, disturbing and surprising many in the process shaking the whole foundation of ethics & values that were there since the Harappan period.
Lets not talk about the first category as it is been proved beyond doubt on the abilities of those clowns. From Chandraswami to Nityanand, all have contributed generously. Chandraswami being the first spiritual thug of independent India to Nityanand being the latest, if not the last.
In the second category you would find millions of examples. Here comes Khushboo out of the woodwork and started delivering what is right and what is wrong via one of her interviews to a lesser known newspaper from south, some five years ago. Khushboo! Who?, many would ask. Let me assure you, knowing her is least of the requirements as in she is not that important to be known. According to her, having premarital sex is absolutely no crime and educated men around India shouldn't expect virgin brides. Is it? Could someone ask her husband how much he agrees to this path breaking theorem of his wife's? We being useless as usual, criminal cases started pouring in various courts against this tongue twister. Within no time the lady found herself surrounded by at least 22 of those cases, few carrying non bailable warrants. 22 cases for this but none for the corrupt BDO who gulped down few crores of the NREGA money? After a prolonged Tutu-MainMain, running from pillar to post, the lady in question flying out of the country, the honourable supreme court yesterday squashed all 22 of those cases, putting a lid to this five year old controversy finally.
Why should we bother if Ms.Khushboo is OK to have a daughter-in-law who is not a virgin? But it seems we are as we end up filing 22 cases. This illogical reaction from us is what encouraging these individuals to come up with these gimmicks, which are sure to give some rude shock to many. Khushboo is just one of the examples, where in there are many who take advantage of our emotional foolishness. Out of no where this artist conceptualizes to paint our Goddesses nude. More disturbing is the alibi of 'Freedom of expression' bestowed by our constitution and few selective media houses terming this as perfectly fine as it is just an example of creativity. As being filing cases is one of our favorite national pass time, the cases poring in, this time only to cross the hundred mark with ease. Our reaction was so violent that the poor artist has to run out of the country and alleged to have taken up citizenship of some other country in Gulf. He was so nervous & fearful of our reaction that he never agreed to return back even after promises from our able central government of dropping all filed cases. Lets allow this century old man live peacefully and wish he someday conceptualizes to draw the Prophet in same light and then we would see what the populace of his new found motherland does to him. If he will even get enough time to run away from that country or not is to be seen.
Issues or no issues, we in general love in fights. Somehow without controversies we feel alienated. There are enough fruitful avenues to channelize our resources. Let all the Khusboos, Hussains, Shalman Rashdis, Tashlima Nasreens be happy with whatever they are doing as the point to be considered is that: Never fight with a pig, because you have to get into the mud and the pig loves it.
Some time people float arguments to defend their personal shame, Khusboo just seems to be doing that.