The Files That Are Lost In Thin Air
How one would do business? How one would do business when
the deal is about 30 billion USD? I am sure, one would preserve each detail of
his transactions more carefully than what he may be doing with his life. The
last thing one can expect from someone when money of such amount is involved is
to see a sorry state of affairs where all files/documents related to the deal
goes missing. Just like going, going and gone into the thin air.
Lets make it little more generic. How a nation should manage things when it involves
auctioning out its natural resources for business purpose? When a public office
like the government of the country gets involved in matters of international dealings,
preserving every minute details of the transaction becomes paramount. It not
only felicitates smooth auditing at later stages, it also brings in that
required transparency. Last thing one can expect a government to do is to mismanage
the whole affair at its stinking best, so much so to even lose files that
contain details of the transaction from day one. This even becomes more
laughable when one sees; the department that messed up even with this basic
functioning of maintaining files and papers comes directly under the priminister
of the nation. Try imagining a corporate house where an individual messes up to such
level and he still remains there on his post without anyone around him caring
an ounce for what is happening. That is India for you and the man who messed up
bigtime (intentionally or otherwise) is Sriprakash Jaiswal. And yes, the moron
is still rooted to his post of the coal minister after making such hara-kiri of
his day to day functioning.
When the whole Coal scam was unearthed (at the backdrop of mega
marvels like 2G, CWG and Adarsh) our media was all over the place. The topic
went through much fanfare since the ministry is directly under the watch of
PMO. Usual mudslinging went on, both in front and behind the cameras. The
jingoism of accountability went so overboard that an entire parliament session
was washed out. The opposition relentlessly shouted and very rightly so for the priminister to
stand and own up the responsibility. But the government of the day, sticking
to their nefarious reputation of exhibiting some high end shamelessness, stick
to their ploy of keeping mum; not that they had anything credible to explain
As it has become a routine affair with all recent day scam
investigations, the apex court intervened and decided to preside over the
investigation themselves. Here I must say, the involvement of the apex court looks
judicious knowing the reputation of a notorious and lethargic establishment
like CBI and their complete disinterest in investigating anything that involves an
equally notorious UPA government. As a faithful servant of his master our CBI can be, the investigation didn’t take off until
the apex court took both CBI and the government in strict terms. Reluctantly
the CBI started their shoddy investigation for the heck of it while the idea
was more to cover up the trails than unearthing them.
As early as July this year, CBI has managed to achieve
nothing from their investigations. All that the premier watch dog of the nation
managed to do is to ask for all the files that are related to this mega Coal
scam. On the first day of hearing, the rebuttal of the apex court for the Coal
ministry and CBI makes some interesting reading. Not only reading, it also
extradites the rot that we were offered in the name of investigation; well sugar
coated though. While answering to the query of the court, on why the coal ministry
still has not shared the files with the investigative team, the reply was
anything but a big insult to the nation. The thick skinned morons in our coal
ministry have this bizarre excuse to furnish for the delay. Since the boxes,
those contain the said files were kept vertically, one atop the other in order to save space,
it is taking time to put them back horizontally and scan their contents. Vertical and
horizontal orientation? Seriously? You may feel, such school boyish of an
excuse can’t be expected from serious government offices but that is how it
stands and it is true. Such horrendous excuses were bound to irritate the
living daylight out of court and that is what precisely happened. The court
came down heavily, both on CBI and the coal ministry after this vertical-horizontal
geometry and asked them to pull their shocks and work like professionally run
institutes. In no lesser terms, the court directed the CBI to get hold of the
files by the next hearing date.
Do you think the shamelessness would have ended there? I pity
you if you thought it to be so. Just when we all assumed the government has
reached the lowest point in morality and ethics, the coal ministry went ahead
and proved all of us wrong. In a recent inexplicable news, the nation was told
how the files, which were touted to be there in those vertical, later on placed horizontally boxes, have gone missing. Wow!! Is the first word comes to my
mind. Such important files, more so when an investigation is going around them is
lost in thin air; just like that? Not one or two but in fact 157 of them. Either
there are serious callous people in our coal ministry, who just don’t know how
to take their job seriously or the files were lost by design. Either way the
proposition looks anything but scary. But knowing the past records of how this
Congress government can stoop to levels not known to humans, the files missing
by virtue of a designed conspiracy is more than just a probability. Drawing
parallels, one can realize why the Mumbai Mantralaya was torched more than one occasion
to destroy all the documents that could have nailed the morons of Adarsh scam.
You might feel you heard enough; but hang on. I am not
finished detailing the impudence yet. In fact shamelessness even defied its own
definition when, rather admitting their evil intent, we had hoard of Congress sycophants, better known as their spokespersons,
all over the place defending such despicable incompetence or nefarious actions;
whichever way you want to see it. Even the UPA chairman was not upset
seeing the blatant miscarriage of governance but was upset since the gimmick
called ‘Food Security Bill’ couldn’t be passed on a day as auspicious as the
birth anniversary of her husband Rajiv Gandhi. That is so ridiculous on the
part of Sonia Gandhi to accuse the opposition for disrupting the parliament on
account of Coalgate missing files. What the opposition is supposed to do, Mrs.
Gandhi? Sweep the massive criminal agendas of your government under the carpet
and be a party to your loot?
This is where we as a nation have ended up at. The mistake
that we made 10 years back in electing such thugs has snowballed into this
uncouth of a government full with liars, swindlers and morons of best quality. For
them governance, nation, citizens and all other such frivolous nonsense doesn’t
stand any importance. All that important for these UPA morons is their chair,
the power they enjoy in expense of the nation and their votebank. Rest all can
go to hell if that is the requirement.
Do we really want such arrogant, incompetent and moronic
criminals to rule the nation? Do we really want these uncouth louts to get back
to power next time? If the answer is NO, then make sure to vote out these
scoundrels at the first chance we get. I am sure, we as a nation deserve far
better government that what these bastards offered us in last 10 years.
"The mistake that we did 10 years back in electing such thugs has snowballed into this uncouth of a government full with liars, swindlers and morons of best quality" - Couldn't agree more. It is we who have allowed the thugs to loot and it is we who must show these morons their place.
ReplyDeleteThere are very few people who still think sane Murli. Think of the people who still not getting proper 3 meals a day, but with the hope of getting another term congress has come up with Food Sec. Bill!! Feed the poor and get the votes seems to be mantra for Congress for decades. Any why only 10years Murli? Congress after independence has been a curse for all these years.
ReplyDeleteTo VOTE OUT these scoundrels - follow these GUIDELINES strictly
1. Make sure your name appears in the VOTERS' LIST
2. Make sure you DO come out & cast your vote on the Polling day
3. Make sure you persuade/cajole/inveigle all your neighbors to positively come out & cast their votes on the Polling day.
4. If you a TRUE PATRIOT, each one of you, please contact at least 50 RURAL VOTERS near your place & educate them to vote AGAINST Congress or its allies.
Primary student must be wondering why he is punished for soiling or losing his school book...
ReplyDeleteMissing files ? Or burnt them in Tandoor. Jaiswal must be having kababs for sure.